Intro I-14 Clinic at SDYC
It was a rainy and wet weekend but we had 4 boats out and loads of new crews trying out the boats. Starting each day with some land drills, then launching with the extra students in the chase boats for quick swap outs, followed by a full debrief back on land. Exhausted and cold, but pumped for more. By the later half of day two, new crews took over all the boats as crew and skipper and were sailing well enough to get around the course on their own.
Big thanks to all the owners for bringing their boats to share and the coaches that were available on hand. Big grins all around. It’s always fun to watch someone’s first I-14 experience!
If you were at the clinic as a new sailor, I will be sending you a separate email with contacts in your specific area to meet up with and get you on the water again.