ABYC Turkey Day regatta 2023
Nov 18-19, 2023

Seven International 14s came to ABYC for the annual Turkey Day Regatta this past weekend. We had a good showing from all of the California 14 locations. The Nor Cal guys sent 4 boats down including new owners Patrick and Andrew Wilkinson. Patrick recently moved back to CA from HI where he finished school at UH and was sailing with the Hi 14 fleet for the last few yrs. He is now living in Santa Cruz. His Older Brother Andrew has been down in San Diego for a few yrs. Andrew came to our I-14 skiff clinic last year and has been sailing the boats of and on since. They bought USA 1202 another B6, the #2 and #10 pool ball boat, guess what color those balls are and you can figure out the name of the boat! Welcome to the fleet guys! John Clark and Hoel Menard came down with 1199 a B6, James Clarkson and Mehmet Gunay in 1198 and Holum, and Cam Puckey with /Aiden Mobley were in AUS 681 another Holum design. LA was represented by Paul Galvez and Dan Roberts in the B5 1168 with and new ICE stiff double spreader rig they just got into the boat. San Diego boats Terry Gleason sailing with Mickey “Polish” Radziejowski were sailing 1207 another Holum, and Brad Ruetenik and JP Barnes in 1200 another B6.
Sat was supposed to be very light breeze, but the southerly breeze built a bit more than expected and we had nice racing in 6-10 kts. These was lots and weed and trash in the water from the recent first rains of the year which made getting around the course clean of weeds a high priority. I’m sure everyone had love of loose grass up to larger kelp and the dreaded “Bag Fish”. When and Bag fish wraps around your foil it’s usually game over as often you can see the clear plastic bag fish, or more difficult is if it catches and T-Foil it can rip the tiller right out of your hand. The weather was supposed to be full on on Sun. So the RC tried to get as many races as they could on Sat. They got off 4 races in light breeze, but is it mostly two wire sailing. Terry and Polish were very fast through both days and won the majority of the races with boat speed and consistency with a 1,(2),1,1 score line for the day. The Wilkinson brothers had very a consistent day with a 3,3,3,3 scoreline. Brad and JP had a more inconsistent day with a (6),1,2,4. John and Hoel were right there as well with a 2, (6),4,2,. Paul and Dan sailed consistently at 5,5,5,5. Cam And Aiden had a decent day at 4,4,6, (DNS) and James had a 7, (DNS), DNS, 6 After breaking a trap harness and sailing in to get a replacement.
We had the traditional ABYC Turkey dinner which is always fun and a precursor to the real deal this week.

Sun started with predictions of 15-20 with possible 25 and gusts predicted into the 30s. Early in the AM there was little wind, but it did start to build from and north and east direction indicating an offshore. It quickly built to 15+ and most boats decided to sail with smaller jibs. Jp and I went with the reefed main as well as we feel 15 its is where it starts to pay, especially in the protected flat water inside the break wall in Long Beach. We got out to the course and the breeze had already started to fade. The RC got another 3 races in a very right breeze dying to under 10 kts. Terry and Polish continued their winning ways with another stellar score line of 1,1,2. Brad and JP had a 2,4,3 even with the reefed main and small jib. John Clark and Hoel had and good day with 4,2,4. Patrick and Andrew scored (6),5,5.Cam and Aiden had and 5,6,1 winning the last race – Congrats guys. James and Mehmet had a better day completing all races with 3,3,6. Unfortunately Paul and Dan did not get out as they were adjusting the new rig all day for the expected higher breeze (DNC), DNC, DNC.

Overall and decent showing of boats and the sailing level has increased across the fleet. There are lots more boats out there in each of the venues which are not getting sailed much and we would sure like to see those boats on the line. No reason we don’t have 15 boats consistently for these regattas. We will be sailing in SD a lot over the winter so come join us. We will have another 14 clinic mid Jan so watch for those dates. Next race is New Years Day race in San Diego. Midwinters in LA in Feb. I know Richmond has their Midwinters through the winter months as well. Worlds next Aug in Lake Garda ITA.
USA 1200