I14 US Fleet:

With some upcoming significant I14 US Fleet regattas, it’s important to ensure that participating boats have active fleet membership.  Membership is open to anyone who actively sails 14s, has sailed 14s in the past, or those who want to support the fleet to continue its growth and success.

Membership requirements, options and how to pay are as follows:

Fleet Membership Requirements:

To participate in the events, the requirement for fleet membership is as follows:

  • Each competing boat must have at least one fleet member
  • Every boat owner must be a fleet member
  • Each chartered boat must have at least one fleet member
  • Crews are not required to be members although it is highly encouraged
  • The above also applies to foreign boats and competitors, with membership in either the US or their home country fleet

Fleet Membership Options:

There are a number of fleet membership options:

  1. Regular membership
    • Scope:
      • Boat owners 25 years or older (at time of payment) who own new-rules boats – (V, C, O)
    • Cost options:
      • $60 / year
      • $150 / 3 years

  1. Associate membership
    • Scope:
      • Boat owners of any age who own classic boats (penny’s, classics, old-rules boats) – (C, O)
      • Boat owners who are 24 years or younger (at time of payment) – (V, C, O)
      • Crews and non-boat owners of any age – (C, O)
    • Cost options:
      • $25 / year
      • $70 / 3 years

  1. Lifetime membership
    • Scope:
      • Any i14er of any age – (V, C, O)
    • Reason:
      • Desire to be a ‘steward’ of the fleet and would assist the fleet financially
      • Know they will be 14’ing forever
    • Cost:
      • $1000 / lifetime

Membership rights key:

V – Voting rights

C – Will receive fleet communication

O – Can run for and hold office

Paying Fleet Membership Dues:

There is only one option for paying dues.  If this option is not possible, please reach out to me individually and we can figure out a method that I can accept and then transfer dues into the fleet account.  I am unable to accept checks since I have no current way to cash them.

  • PayPal:
    • Email:  usi14assoc@gmail.com
    • Include the following reference/comment:  i14 US Fleet Membership Dues for <Year(s)>

Thanks, in advance, for supporting the i14 US Fleet.
